Reading Eggs includes hundreds of printable worksheets where children can practice essential reading and writing skills at home. Free trial
Writing isn't just about vocabulary, grammar, and spelling – there's also the practical aspect that may seem easy to adults, but is part of the learning process for beginners. Below you'll find fun ideas and tips to improve your child's handwriting.
Handwriting is made that much harder if you don't have the correct grip. Your child's hand may fatigue easily if they are holding their pencil the wrong way. Make sure you demonstrate to them how a pencil should be held. If your child is struggling, one of those slide‑on pencil grips can help them get the hang of it. Check out our article with pre-writing activities and worksheets to develop your child's fine motor skills and pencil grip.
Is the eraser at the end of your child's pencil almost worn out? They may be making mistakes because they're trying to write too fast. If they are just getting used to writing and spelling, let them know that they can take their time.
Holding down a pencil too hard can make it harder to write, especially cursive. Tell your child to gently press down the pencil so they aren't tearing through the page!
Any activity where your child can practice manipulating a pencil will help improve their writing skills. This is also a great way to motivate children who refuse or are intimidated by handwriting. Drawing fun pictures or playing games of their choosing is a great way to build their pencil skills without tension. Making homemade storybooks is a fun way to get your child to practice their writing skills and nurture their creativity.
Playing word games like Hangman is another fun way to get children to write (and draw).
Is your child having trouble with letter formation? Is their handwriting too large or too small? Are they forgetting to put spaces between words? Or are they not writing in straight lines? These are some of the more common difficulties children have with handwriting, so make sure you identify any of these problems before they become a habit.
To help them with their handwriting practice, download our free printable Alphabet Letter Books filled with fun activities and handwriting exercises. You can also download hundreds of Activity Worksheets for free in the Bonus Materials section of Reading Eggs (account required).
Reading Eggs is the multi-award winning online reading program for ages 2–13. As well as the hundreds of engaging online lessons and over 4000 e-books, the program includes free printable activity worksheets that accompany each lesson. Start your 30-day free trial today and help your child improve their reading and writing skills.
Watch the video below for more tips on how to improve your child's handwriting skills (including how to write the alphabet).