Getting kids reading is enormously significant to their entire education. Educators are very quick to stress that getting kids reading is the most important part of their schooling as literacy affects every part of a child’s learning, both in school as well as in later years.
If a kid’s reading is strong, then they can use their literacy skills in other learning areas and better their chances of becoming strong students in subjects other than literacy. If they can read well, they can follow the seams of ideas and learning to their source, no matter the subject.
It’s been found that kids who experience early success in reading are more likely to make sustained progress toward becoming fluent readers—fluency being the desired outcome for kids reading. But getting kids reading is not just about their ability to read a page of writing; it’s about their whole school and working life. In fact, educators have found that when kids are reading well they are more likely to be successful at school, as well as successful in later working life. When school lives only in the distant memory, literacy and its effect on life, still lives on.
Good teachers and educators want kids to read, not just for the sake of reading alone, but rather because it is through acquiring literacy, and the gains that young readers make in reading, that they will gain the skills that they need, not just to succeed in reading, but in life as well.
In order for kids' reading to be successful and positively affect their learning as a whole, they must make steady progress in the five key areas of reading instruction: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and text comprehension.
And, in order for kids to make steady progress in the five key areas of reading instruction, parents and teachers need to use effective research-based programs to help kids along the way in their literacy and help them navigate through and acquire the myriad number of skills needed to get them reading well. Any reading program used to aid kids reading needs to incorporate certain instructional elements that build the skills necessary for kids to become fluent readers.
The Reading Eggs program develops the skills necessary to get kids reading well. The Reading Eggs program:
Offers early and sustained focus on phonemic awareness and phonics - Phonemic awareness skills enable children to listen to speech and understand, as they are listening, that speech is made up of individual sounds that make words, syllables, and phonemes. The ability to play with sounds, listen for phonemes and break words into parts are all necessary skills in learning to read.
Helps kids develop the ability to instantly recall certain words by using a core list of sight words that appear frequently - The ability to instantly recognize and understand sight words helps young readers become more fluent in their reading and also helps them read for meaning.
Offers a diverse variety of teaching formats and also repeats activities and texts so that kids can build fluency - Using a variety of teaching techniques and learning formats keeps the Reading Eggs program fun and exciting for kids. And at the same time, the use of repetition of lessons helps kids retain what they’ve learned and become fluent readers. Any good reading program should work toward kids becoming fluent readers.
Motivates kids to keep reading and learning through a fun reward system - The enjoyment of the task directly relates to a child’s engagement with and time spent on that task. Time spent on a task is a key factor in improving reading success and building literacy.
Encourages parental involvement - Kids don’t learn in a vacuum. Educators are the first to admit that the education of a child is a partnership between the teacher, the parent and the child. Parental involvement in learning improves student learning outcomes and achievement. A good reading program like Reading Eggs encourages parental involvement, and offers continual feedback to parents about their child’s progress, which makes it easy for parents to be involved.
Uses vocabulary activities that build understanding - Building a larger vocabulary is essential to any reading program of good repute.
Uses comprehension strategies in the lessons that make sure that kids are continuing to read for the meaning in a text - Understanding text and reading for meaning are the core goals of reading. Decoding a text is not the end goal; readers must also understand what they are reading.
With a reading program like Reading Eggs, parents and teachers can be confident that their kids’ reading will be the main focus of each and every lesson. The Reading Eggs program combines a strong instructional focus on the five essential elements of reading instruction with a sense of play; it is both educationally rigorous and highly motivating to young learners. Both the educational rigor and the play-based lessons work hand-in-hand to get kids reading, and reading well, so that they are well on their way to becoming life-long learners.