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26 Fun-Filled Travel Games that Boost Reading Skills on the Go

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Take Reading Eggs along on your next family trip. Your child will learn from and enjoy hundreds of fun travel games and engaging lessons on the go. FREE Trial

Learning 'on the go' with kids can be a challenge, but it doesn't have to be. With some creativity, you can keep your kids entertained and educated with travel games. Whether you're driving across the country, taking a plane, or heading to the supermarket, fun travel games can offer a unique learning experience. If you want some ingenious ideas guaranteed to build your little one's reading and literacy skills anywhere, check out our easy tips and ideas below. 

In this article: 

  • Educational travel game ideas kids will love 

  • Link to fun and FREE printables to take with you

  • Link to free online reading games and activities for kids 

  • A free Reading Eggs 30-day trial for access to hundreds of educational games, videos and more!

Build skills and memories today with fun, free online travel games

Ignite learning on the go with Reading Eggs! Engage your child with hundreds of interactive games, videos and over 3,500 e-books. Keep them entertained, educated and eager to learn wherever you go. Get a 30-day trial now for endless learning adventures

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Best kids' travel games on the run (#18 guarantees on the go fun!)

The key to making sure your child is happy when you're out and about is to find exciting travel games to keep them engaged and interested in learning. Our carefully curated list is created with both of these in mind.

Enjoy the following travel game ideas:  

1. Play 20 questions

Build vocabulary and comprehension by using descriptive words to ask yes or no questions.

2. Alphabet hunt

Find letters of the alphabet in order on signs or objects during walks, train or car rides.

3. Use safe children's online games

Keep your child learning on the go with safe online games that are ad-free and age-appropriate.

4. Create a storytelling chain

Start a story with a sentence or two and let your child continue it. Take turns adding sentences and see how the story unfolds. Perfect for creativity, imagination and language skills. 

5. Magnetic letters

Bring along magnetic letters for a fun, hands-on word and alphabet activity. 

6. Spelling bee challenge

Have a spelling bee challenge to make the time fly. Give your child a word and ask them to spell it aloud. 

7. I Spy

Play the classic favorite 'I Spy' to practice letter recognition and get kids looking at their surroundings. 

8. Dry-erase board

Use a dry-erase board to practice writing letters and numbers. You can draw letters for younger kids to trace. 

9. Flashcards

Bring along a set of alphabet or sight word flashcards for learning while waiting around at the airport or bus stop. 

10. Travel-sized board games

Use travel-sized board games to practice critical thinking and problem-solving. 

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Get hundreds of fun, educational games to engage your child on the go with Reading Eggs. Plus, download engaging literacy printables for offline learning. FREE Trial

11. Licence plate words

Use the licence plate on the car in front of yours to make words or a funny short sentence. 

12. Sand writing

If you're going to the beach, encourage your child to practice letter recognition and formation by writing letters and words in the sand. Older kids can form sentences. 

13. Blank books, crayons, pencils and markers

Bring along books and create your own games about the holiday destination. Your child can label pictures they draw of what they saw along the way. 

14. Word games

Play word games like Hangman or mini-Scrabble to improve vocabulary and spelling. 

15. Travel-sized word puzzles

Use travel-sized word puzzles to practice reading, writing and fine motor skills. 

16. How many words

Play "How many words can you write or spell or say beginning with a letter in two minutes." 

17. Fill in the blanks

Write sentences that have words missing. Get your child to fill in the blanks with cut-out words. 

18. Laugh-out-loud game using alliteration

Take turns telling a funny story where every word starts with the same letter and see who can make everyone laugh the most! 

19. Trail treasures

On a hike or nature walk, challenge your child to spot and read signs along the trail. This can include trail markers, information boards, or even interpretive signs about plants and animals. 

20. Art and museum adventures

During a visit to an art gallery or museum, prompt your little one to spot words in the artwork or the descriptions near the paintings. Younger kids can point out and say letters they recognize. 

While you're there, look for books or activity sheets related to the exhibited artwork. Encourage your child to read about the artists and their creations, fostering a love for art and reading. 

Everyday learning ideas on the go

21. Grocery shopping spree

Turn a trip to the grocery store into a reading adventure. Ask your child to help read and find items on the shopping list, read food labels together and discuss the different words and their meanings. 

22. Library adventures

When visiting the library, encourage your child to choose their own books to read. Explore different genres, discover new authors and let them pick stories that spark their interest. 

23. Doctor's office

While waiting at the doctor's office, bring a variety of reading materials such as storybooks, magazines or picture dictionaries. Engage your child in reading and discussing the pictures or stories together. 

24. Rhyme on the go

Take turns coming up with words that rhyme while waiting at a restaurant or in a queue. 

25. Sensory storytelling

Use your surroundings when on the move to create experiences that engage your child in storytelling. Take them to a garden or park and encourage them to describe what they see, feel, hear and smell to promote and expand their vocabulary. 

Be sure to check out more fun reading games for kids here.

Planning tips for kids' travel games

To make the most of your travel time, it's best to get a head start on planning. Throw some of the more physical educational travel games above in an easily accessible bag. Card games and small puzzles fit in most carry bags easily. Print out any of the word games or worksheets ahead of time – you don't want to deal with empty printer cartridges at the last minute. 

Try these FREE literacy and reading printables for on the go fun 

Mix it up with some engaging printables for literacy practice in hotels, on planes or in cafes. Create a folder for each child with printable reading worksheets that are just right for their age and skill level. 

Exciting extra ways to keep kids engaged on the go

Educational games and apps are your best friend as they provide multiple ways to teach reading and literacy skills with safe, fun travel games. Your little one can practice their phonics, phonemic awareness, vocabulary skills and more from a plane, train or even while you're pushing a shopping trolley! Plus, online apps like Reading Eggs have plenty of other features such as interactive lessons and videos, reading activities, a huge library containing over 3000 e-books, and a digital reading journal to keep track of the books your child reads on their travels.

E-books are a brilliant, space-saving way to keep kids entertained while travelling. Plus, many of them come with built-in interactive features like quizzes that kids will love! On a long flight or car journey bring along audiobooks or storytelling podcasts that are age-appropriate.

Reading Eggs sample lessons and games 

Learn on the go with hundreds of Reading Eggs online games

Discover an all-in-one solution to keep children engaged and enhance their literacy skills on the go. Our app is packed with a treasure trove of perfect travel games, designed to cover key reading skills in the most captivating and motivating ways. Experience the magic for yourself with a free 30-day trial!

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Remember, learning doesn't have to stop when you're on the move. By incorporating these travel games and activities into your family's adventures, you can make every journey a fun and educational experience. Whether you're on a road trip, exploring a new destination, or simply waiting for your turn at the doctor's office, these games will entertain and enrich your child's literacy skills.

So, pack your bags, grab a few travel games and embark on an exciting learning adventure with your kids. Safe travels and happy learning! 

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