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Secular Homeschool Curriculum and Resources That Are Proven to Work

secular homeschool curriculum and resources proven to work

Secular homeschooling resources are growing in demand and availability. When choosing a secular homeschool curriculum, it’s important to look for materials that are proven to work.

As more families opt out of traditional education and formal schooling for their children, the demand for secular homeschooling curricula and resources is increasing. Secular homeschooling is an approach to home education that doesn’t include religious teachings or political biases. Instead, the focus of a secular education and curriculum is on academic subjects. Parents are then free to educate and guide their children’s religious, spiritual and political education in alignment with their family’s personal values. This gives homeschoolers more opportunity to tailor their child's education, while still ensuring academic standards are met.

When it comes to homeschooling, choosing a curriculum – or an approach to homeschooling – that best aligns with your family’s needs is an important decision. The right curriculum can make your homeschooling journey easier.

With the flexibility of homeschooling and the many ways to homeschool comes the paradox of choice.

One of the biggest challenges that homeschooling parents face is finding a curriculum that aligns with their values and beliefs. A secular homeschool curriculum provides a solution to this challenge. In this article we’ll explore secular homeschooling and help you decide if a secular homeschool curriculum is the right choice for your family. We’ll also provide examples of popular, evidence-based secular homeschool curricula and free resources you can download that are proven to work.


  • What is Secular Homeschooling?

  • Factors to Consider When Choosing a Secular Homeschool Curriculum

  • Reasons Why You Might Choose a Secular Homeschool Curriculum

  • Why Choose Reading Eggs as Your Secular Homeschool Curriculum

  • 12 Reasons Why Reading Eggs is a Popular Curriculum Choice for Secular Homeschoolers

  • Secular Homeschooling Resources

  • Reviews From Other Homeschoolers

What is Secular Homeschooling?

A secular education doesn’t include religious teachings or political biases, instead providing ‘neutral’ tuition focused on academic subjects, such as language arts (reading), math and science. Secular homeschooling takes the same approach. The only difference is the teaching is done from home or outside traditional educational institutions.

According to the Homeschool Legal Defense Association, a Christian group based in Virginia in the United States, two-thirds of homeschooling families are Christian and 25 percent are secular (source: The Atlantic).

Being in the minority, non-religious homeschooling families have traditionally found it difficult to source secular homeschooling curricula that aren’t written from a religious worldview.  

However, as homeschooling grows in popularity more secular homeschooling resources are becoming available.

Try the Reading Eggs secular homeschooling curriculum for FREE!

Reading Eggs is the multi-award winning secular homeschool curriculum that is grounded in evidence and proven to work. Your children will love the hundreds of interactive online lessons, fun reading and math games, and over 4000 e-books. And you’ll love the regular progress reports and free printable resources to guide your lesson planning for up to four children. Start your 30-day free trial today!

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Factors to Consider When Choosing a Secular Homeschool Curriculum

When choosing a secular homeschool curriculum, it’s important to look for materials that are proven to work. Just because a curriculum is free from religious references doesn’t mean it will automatically meet the learning needs of your family.  

Parents should seek secular homeschool curriculum programs that not only align with academic standards but also fit their educational goals and children’s learning styles.  

A good homeschool curriculum will prepare students for future academic success and lifelong learning. It can also make the homeschooling journey easier for parents.  

Check out our article on how to choose the best homeschool curriculum for more information. 

 Consider the following factors when evaluating different secular homeschool programs: 

1. Teaching Resources and Support

  • Evaluate the quality and usability of teaching materials provided. Are the resources user-friendly and comprehensive?

  • Consider whether the curriculum offers support and guidance for parents, especially if you are new to homeschooling.

  • If you need assistance, is customer service readily available?

2. Technology and Accessibility

  • Does the curriculum incorporate modern technology that can enhance learning? Look for interactive elements that are engaging and multimodal.

  • What happens if your family is travelling and doesn’t have reliable internet access? Are there downloadable resources you can use offline?

  • Check that the online options are compatible with your home technology setup.

3. Assessment and Progress Tracking

  • Look for curricula that include clear metrics for assessing student progress.

  • Regular evaluations and feedback mechanisms should be in place to help track advancements and identify areas needing improvement.

4. Cost Effectiveness

  • Compare the cost relative to the value it provides. Is it within your homeschooling budget?

  • Consider if there are additional costs like supplies or supplementary materials.

5. Flexibility and Personalization

  • Choose a curriculum that is adaptive and adjusts to your child’s learning pace and abilities.

  • Does the curriculum allow you to homeschool multiple children?

6. Alignment with Educational Goals

  • Consider how well the curriculum matches your educational goals for your child.

  • Are there any state standards your homeschool curriculum needs to comply with?

Each of these factors contributes to choosing a secular homeschool curriculum that not only engages your child in learning, but also makes homeschooling easier. Choosing a secular homeschool curriculum that best fits your family lays a solid foundation for your home education journey.

Check out our article with homeschooling tips for more ideas on how to help make your homeschooling experience easier. The article has advice for both seasoned homeschoolers and those new to, or considering, homeschooling.

Reasons Why You Might Choose a Secular Homeschool Curriculum

There are many reasons why homeschooling families might choose a secular curriculum. These include:  

  • Secular curricula typically provide a neutral viewpoint focused on scientific facts and evidence-based learning. 

  • A secular education can nurture critical thinking in young minds and cultivate a desire to understand diverse perspectives.  

  • A secular curriculum can help prepare children for adult life in a globalized world. 

 When evaluating a curriculum to see if it is secular, consult the publisher’s website, sample course materials and read reviews by other homeschoolers. 

Try the Reading Eggs secular homeschooling curriculum for FREE!

Reading Eggs is the multi-award winning secular homeschool curriculum that is grounded in evidence and proven to work. Your children will love the hundreds of interactive online lessons, fun reading and math games, and over 4000 e-books. And you’ll love the regular progress reports and free printable resources to guide your lesson planning for up to four children. Start your 30-day free trial today!

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The Reading Eggs Library contains 4000 online books for children, including fiction and non-fiction titles

The Reading Eggs Library contains 4000 online books for children, covering a vast range of subjects and includes both fiction and non-fiction titles. Free trial

Why Choose Reading Eggs as Your Secular Homeschool Curriculum

The Reading Eggs online reading program is a popular secular homeschool curriculum choice for families. The comprehensive reading curriculum for ages 2–⁠13 is affordable, accessible, and based on the Science of Reading.

The sequenced lessons and explicit instructions in Reading Eggs cover the five components of reading: phonics, phonemic awareness, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension.

And Reading Eggs is independently proven to work. Additionally, surveys reveal over 91% of parents report a noticeable improvement in their child's reading after using Reading Eggs for just a few weeks.

There are four individual reading programs within the Reading Eggs package to provide a comprehensive language arts curriculum:

  • Reading Eggs Junior for ages 2–⁠4

  • Reading Eggs for ages 3–⁠7

  • Fast Phonics for ages 5–⁠10

  • Reading Eggspress for ages 7–⁠13.

The programs have been designed by educational experts to engage children, build skills quickly, and nurture a love of reading from an early age.

Multiple learning areas within the programs focus on building different literacy skills – such as spelling, grammar and writing – through a variety of activities.

The Reading Eggs Library includes over 4000 fiction and nonfiction e-books that span a vast range of topics. All lower reading level books come with read-aloud audio so young readers can independently listen as they read.

In addition, the complementary Mathseeds program for ages 3–⁠9 teaches foundational math and problem‑solving skills. You can choose whether or not to include Mathseeds in your subscription.

Try the Reading Eggs secular homeschooling curriculum for FREE!

Reading Eggs is the multi-award winning secular homeschool curriculum that is grounded in evidence and proven to work. Your children will love the hundreds of interactive online lessons, fun reading and math games, and over 4000 e-books. And you’ll love the regular progress reports and free printable resources to guide your lesson planning for up to four children. Start your 30-day free trial today!

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The Reading Eggs Placement Test ensures your child is provided with a personalized learning journey.

Taking the Placement Test when first starting Reading Eggs ensures your child begins their learning journey at the appropriate skill level. Free trial  

12 Reasons Why Reading Eggs is a Popular Curriculum Choice for Secular Homeschoolers

1. Proven Educational Framework

Reading Eggs is a science-backed reading program built on a solid foundation of the Five Essential Components of Reading: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. This approach to reading instruction is supported by extensive contemporary educational research.

2. Personalized Learning Journeys

Understanding that each child has a unique learning curve, Reading Eggs delivers personalized learning journeys that adapt to the individual learning pace of each child. This tailored approach is underpinned by continuous assessment through highly interactive activities and games, which ensures learning is both fun and effective.

At the start of your child’s learning journey with Reading Eggs they will be asked to take a Placement Test. This test assesses their reading age and places them at the correct starting lesson. The test can be retaken at any time. In addition, children are quizzed at the end of each lesson to ensure they have acquired the necessary skills before advancing through the program.

3. Flexibility and Convenience

The Reading Eggs programs are accessible online across various devices and platforms (iOS, Android and web browsers). Bonus printable worksheets can be downloaded for offline learning, ensuring that your child can learn at any time from anywhere. This flexibility is ideal for homeschooling, allowing families to integrate education into their daily routine seamlessly.

4. Multi-Child Family Accounts

Every Reading Eggs account lets you add up to four children and each child will receive a personalized learning journey. Parents receive progress reports for every child, making it easier to track each child's progress individually. Homeschooling multiple children is easy with Reading Eggs.

5. Regular Progress Reports

As mentioned above, parents receive regular reports on each child’s progress and achievements. These are sent via email at the end of each lesson completed and certificate received. The reports can also be accessed at any time in the Family Dashboard. This makes record-keeping a breeze.

7. Sequence and Scope Guides for Parents

Printable worksheets accompany each Reading Eggs lesson and these include sequence and scope guides for parents. You can use these guides to ensure you’re covering the academic requirements in your state, and also for reporting learning outcomes.

8. Makes Learning Fun

The variety of online games and interactive activities in Reading Eggs makes learning to read fun and engaging. Homeschooling parents won’t have trouble motivating their children to sit down and learn with Reading Eggs. The sequenced lessons progress at your child’s learning pace, ensuring they remain engaged and are ready to learn the next skill.

9. Vast Library of Online Books for Children

The Reading Eggs Library is a fantastic resource of over 4000 e-books covering a vast range of topics, including fiction and non-fiction titles, for different reading levels. Each online lesson in Reading Eggs ends with your child reading a book from the Library. Your child can write a review of books they’ve read in their Reading Journal, which can be personalized with decorative stickers. As a parent, you can see what books your child has read in the Family Dashboard. By learning to love reading your child will learn to love learning.

10. Aligns with State Standards

The Reading Eggs online reading curriculum meets educational standards set by authorities worldwide. The Reading Eggs online lessons, activities and e-books address the learning needs of young students the world over. Learn more here.

11. Multi-Award Winning

Reading Eggs has received multiple globally-recognized awards, seals of approval and endorsements from leading homeschool associations.

12. Supplementary Resources

In addition to the hundreds of structured lessons and thousands of e-books, Reading Eggs provides a wealth of support materials and downloadable resources. You’ll find more information about these in the section below.

Discover for yourself why Reading Eggs is the perfect secular curriculum for homeschoolers!

Your children will love the hundreds of interactive online lessons, fun reading and math games, and over 4000 e-books. And you’ll love the regular progress reports and free printable resources to guide your lesson planning for up to four children. Start your 30-day free trial today!

Free Trial
Reading Eggs provides hundreds of secular homeschool resources that are proven to work

Reading Eggs includes hundreds of secular homeschool resources that are proven to work. Free trial

Secular Homeschooling Resources

Secular homeschoolers can find it difficult to source unbiased, faith-free homeschooling resources. The Reading Eggs online reading program focuses on providing a science-based education that is proven to work. In addition to the online lessons, Reading Eggs includes an extensive library of printable worksheets, booklets and lesson plans. 24/7 customer support is available by phone or online if you need assistance.

1. Printable Worksheets and Booklets

The online programs are complemented by free printable resources for offline learning. Each online lesson has a corresponding printable worksheet available to download from the Family Dashboard. The worksheets include a summary of the learning objectives of each lesson and scope and sequence information for parents.

Free home learning booklets covering spelling, handwriting, reading and the alphabet are also available to provide additional hands-on learning opportunities for your child. You can filter the booklets by grade level, subject area, and focus skill.

2. Reading and Math Workbooks

If you’d prefer a physical, all-in-one resource that you don’t need to download and print, Reading Eggs offers comprehensive reading and math workbooks that can be purchased separate to the online programs. These workbooks are aligned with the online curriculum and serve as excellent tools for offline study, reinforcing the skills learned online.

3. Lesson Plans and Teaching Guides for Homeschoolers

Although children can complete the online lessons at their own pace, the week-by-week Reading Eggs homeschool program guides are a great resource for homeschoolers who prefer a more structured approach. The guides make it easy to plan and track essential learning outcomes for Kindergarten through to Grade 5 over 36 weeks. The guides are available to download for free.

4. 24/7 Online and Phone Support

Reading Eggs offers exceptional customer support that is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can contact our friendly customer support team via phone, email or online in your Family Dashboard.

Discover for yourself why Reading Eggs is the perfect secular curriculum for homeschoolers!

Your children will love the hundreds of interactive online lessons, fun reading and math games, and over 4000 e-books. And you’ll love the regular progress reports and free printable resources to guide your lesson planning for up to four children. Start your 30-day free trial today!

Free Trial

Reviews From Other Homeschoolers

“All my children (oldest right now is 11 and youngest is 4) have used Reading Eggs and Mathseeds as their first homeschooling curriculum. It captures their attention and brings the information to them at their level. I love the follow-up worksheets that are in the bonus section of the family dashboard and the breakdown explanations for each lesson number.”

– Shelly A.

“I have three homeschool children: 8, 6 and 3. They all love Reading Eggs and Mathseeds. My 6‑year‑old boy was not reading, but since he started four months ago, he is reading full sentences and full level 1 books. My 3‑year‑old was given the chance to do Reading Eggs instead of the baby site last week, and since then she has advanced 6 lessons. She is really learning! My 8‑year‑old is in Reading Eggspress, a more advanced section. She wasn't very good at grammar and phonics, but now she is doing so much better.”

– Cristina S.

“Reading Eggs has been a terrific addition to our homeschool. Each of my three kids beg me to let them play and I think that is how Reading Eggs really differs from the others; it is not a chore for them to be using it. My two smallest are now able to recognize words in their own books, and my 7‑year‑old has learned to read fluently solely from Reading Eggs. I will continue to use Reading Eggs for many years to come and cannot recommend it highly enough.”

–⁠ Amanda B

“Reading Eggs has been the best purchase for our homeschool this year. Our 8-year-old dyslexic son loves and learns from this visually exciting program. It has helped his reading and also his writing as he has started his own ‘Reading Eggs’ story book! He draws his own map, creates characters for each level, and writes a story for each one. Amazing!”

–⁠ Edyth N

“Hi there, I wanted to let you know that I am a homeschooling parent and I absolutely love your program. My son has advanced so much in his reading in the last few weeks since we have started using Reading Eggs and he absolutely loves it! Thank you for your great program.”

–⁠ Sharee

“Dear Reading Eggs team, thank you for a wonderful program. My children love it! They can't get enough. I'm impressed with the report you just emailed me. Nice touch – especially helpful for homeschoolers. I will add it to my records. Thanks again.”

–⁠ The Clarkes

“The price is incredible for the amount of content that you get and is honestly the best homeschool investment I have ever made.”

–⁠ Schelly

“My homeschooled kids love to do the lessons and for the first time I feel like my second grader is finally making progress in phonics.”

–⁠ Vanessa

“My son has been using Reading Eggs for more than a year now, and he loves the reward system (golden eggs). My favorite part of the program is the initial assessment test that generated his reading age based on the results. Since I'm a homeschooling mom, I love when I can track his progress. I shared the app with another homeschooling mom, and she said after a few weeks her daughter was reading. We love this app and will continue using it.”

– Mrs Gregory

Discover for yourself why Reading Eggs is the perfect secular curriculum for homeschoolers!

Your children will love the hundreds of interactive online lessons, fun reading and math games, and over 4000 e-books. And you’ll love the regular progress reports and free printable resources to guide your lesson planning for up to four children. Start your 30-day free trial today!

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