Explore hundreds of math games and activities designed to help build your child's early math skills at home! Free trial
Mathematics can either be fun or daunting for young children. But by encouraging your child to build important early numeracy skills in a relaxed, interesting, and interactive way, you are giving them the best possible chance at succeeding in, and learning to love, mathematics!
Take a look at the following 10 ways you can help build your child's early math skills below.
Watch your child improve their early math skills with hundreds of fun and interactive math activities! Designed by experienced elementary school teachers for ages 3–9, your child will fall in love with the colorful characters and have a blast collecting acorns and hatching new critters at the end of each lesson. Plus enjoy full access to Reading Eggs, the multi‑award winning learn‑to‑read program when you sign up for your FREE Mathseeds trial!
Ask your child to look at different 2D and 3D shapes and form them using play dough. You can also use shape cutters to help guide them. This activity gives your child a hands‑on opportunity to learn, observe, and manipulate different shapes.
Sorting and classifying objects help children understand the nature of mathematics. Gather a basket or box of toys and sit down with your child to count them. Sort them based on size, color, or theme. This is also a great way to encourage them to put away their toys!
Collect differently sized jars, cups and containers and use them during bath time to teach your child about 'full' and 'empty' and compare capacities. Talk about what's happening as you play. For example, “My cup is full, no more water can fit in my cup”, or “Let's pour water from my small cup to your big cup and see if it becomes full”.
Cooking together is a great way to learn about fractions and measurements in the kitchen. Show your child different measuring tools and talk about the concept of fractions, such as explaining how two ½ cups make one whole cup.
Teach early math skills outside by counting the number of times you and your child can throw a ball to each other without dropping it. You can also ask another child to keep a tally.
Taking a walk gives your child many opportunities to build early numeracy skills. Compare the sizes of different rocks, assess how many birds you spot, note similarities and differences between different leaves, and carry a notebook to put the things you see into categories.
Patterns help children learn sequencing and to make predictions, which leads to stronger numeracy skills. Have fun with patterns by letting your child arrange dry macaroni into different patterns or designs. You can also use beads or different types of cereal.
Building and identifying sequences help your child develop a sense of order, logic, and reason. Building block towers is a fun way to introduce your child to sequencing, by following a step‑by‑step method with a final goal in mind.
In the car, have your child look for numbers in street and shop signs, and on licence plates. See if they can find all numbers up to ten and encourage them to call out the numbers as they find them.
Connect the dots is a fun way to teach your child about number sequencing. You can download this free connect the dots activity featuring Reggie from Reading Eggs!