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10 Ways to Get Your Child to Enjoy Reading More

how to get your child to enjoy reading

Help your child enjoy reading by offering a wide selection of books. Explore over 3000 children's e‑books in the Reading Eggs online library and enjoy a variety of genres from fantasy, comedy, adventure, and more. Free trial

Reading offers a wealth of benefits for young children – it grows their vocabulary, builds their comprehension skills, expands their knowledge and understanding of the world, and gives them a better chance at succeeding in school. And it's no secret – the more you read, the better you become at it.

Here are 10 simple and achievable ways to get your children reading and enjoying more books this year.

Help your child enjoy reading with our multi‑award winning learn‑to‑read program!

Designed for ages 2⁠–⁠13, Reading Eggs makes learning to read fun with hundreds of self‑paced lessons, fun games, lovable characters, and exciting rewards. Plus, explore over 3000 e‑books to read with your child in the Reading‑Eggs online library and discover a variety of genres from fantasy, comedy, adventure, and more!

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How to Get Your Child to Enjoy Reading More

1. Create a reading nook at home

Set up a special place completely dedicated to reading. It can be as simple as installing a few cozy pillows, a nightlight and a few sturdy bookshelves.

2. Make time

Avoid overscheduling your child's calendar with extra activities this year. You want to ensure they have enough time to sift through their bookshelves and regularly enjoy a long, leisurely read.

3. Make bedtime reading a part of your daily routine

Reading together is a powerful way to bond and encourage your child to adopt a positive attitude towards books and reading. Set aside some time each evening to enjoy a bedtime story and take turns reading to each other.

Read more here about why bedtime stories are so beneficial for kids.

4. Visit the library or download a children's books app

Make regular trips to the library or download a books app to give your kids a library of book titles at the swipe of their fingertips. Reading Eggs includes over 3000 online books for kids, many with read aloud options.

5. Make a family book tree

Sharing a joint family reading goal is a great way to encourage everyone at home to read. Cut out the shape of a tree from large construction paper and include a few branches. Throughout the year, each family member can add a leaf for every book read, until all the branches are full.

6. Explore new books genres together

Mix things up by delving into genres you haven't tried before, like science‑fiction, mystery, non‑fiction, biographies, historical fiction and poetry.

7. Stay open‑minded about your book choices

Be flexible with what you allow your children to read. Comic books, joke books, and magazines can be a great way to encourage reluctant readers, and offer their own unique benefits.

8. Watch more movies based on books

Studies show that movie releases spur many children to read the book version first. Reading a story before watching it on the big screen is a feat many children love to achieve, and it gives them a lot to talk about with their friends.

9. Talk about books at home and become a reading role model

Make books a part of your daily conversation. Talk about different characters, connections to real life, predictions you make, and what you want to read next. Let your kids see you reading and enjoying books in your spare time.

10. Leave a range of reading material around the house

Dr Seuss sums this up perfectly: “Fill your house with stacks of books, in all the crannies and all the nooks!”

Check out this article for more inspiration on how to get your child to enjoy reading more by incorporating pretend play.

Help your child enjoy reading with our multi‑award winning learn‑to‑read program!

Designed for ages 2⁠–⁠13, Reading Eggs makes learning to read fun with hundreds of self‑paced lessons, fun games, lovable characters, and exciting rewards. Plus, explore over 3000 e‑books to read with your child in the Reading‑Eggs online library and discover a variety of genres from fantasy, comedy, adventure, and more!

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